Meetings of the Parish Council are held in Jubilee Hall Meeting Room, Pippin Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 5BT.
All meetings are open to the Press and Public unless noted otherwise.
Meeting Agenda and notices of additional meetings will be posted on this website and displayed on the Parish Council noticeboard (on the wall of the Village Butcher and Store) at least three days before the date of the meeting.

East Peckham Parish Council

Clerk: Michelle Piscina

Tel: 01622 871309 (answerphone when office not manned)


Address: The Parish Office
East Peckham Jubilee Hall, Pippin Road,
East Peckham
Kent TN12 5BT

Chairman: Mark Williams

Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council

Tel: 01732 844522

Address: Gibson Building, Gibson Drive,
Kings Hill, West Malling,
Kent ME19 4LZ

Borough Councillors:

Matt Boughton

Sarah Hudson



Kent County Council

County Councillor:

Sarah Hudson:


Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury:

Tel: 01892 823535

Address:  Pembury, Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN2 4QJ

Maidstone Hospital:

Tel: 01622 729000

Address: Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
Kent ME16 9QQ


Tonbridge Citizens Advice: 0808 278 7810

Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111

Dental Line: 01634 890300

East Peckham Library: 03000 413131

Field Pharmacy: 01622 871409 

Hospice in the Weald: 01892 820500 

Hi Kent: 01622 691151

Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre: 01892 838619

Post Office near me: 03457 740740

Putlands Veterinary Surgery: 01892 835456

RSPCA (Cruelty Line): 0300 1234 999

Social Services: 03000 411 111

Streetline: 01732 876060

Tonbridge Job Centre: 01732 583700

Trading Standards: 08454 040506

Victim Support: 0808 168 9276

Woodlands Health Centre: 01892 833331

Yalding Surgery: 01622 814380


East Peckham County Primary School: 01622 871268

East Peckham PreSchool: 01622 872931

Mascalls: 01892 835366

Kent Adult Education: 03000 41 22 22


C of E, Holy Trinity – Rev Anthony Carr: 01622 871278

Associate Rector – Sue Morrell: 01622 871150

East Peckham Methodist Church – Rev Kirsty McGhee: 01732 365395

The Salvation Army – Mr David Boyle: 01622 871677

Roman Catholic: 01732 353984


Tonbridge Citizens Advice:

Tel: 0808 278 7810

Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111

Dental Line: 01634 890300

East Peckham Library: 03000 413131

Field Pharmacy: 01622 871409 

Hospice in the Weald: 01892 820500 

Hi Kent: 01622 691151

Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre: 01892 838619

Post Office near me: 03457 740740

Putlands Veterinary Surgery: 01892 835456

RSPCA (Cruelty Line): 0300 1234 999

Social Services: 03000 411 111

Streetline: 01732 876060

Tonbridge Job Centre: 01732 583700

Trading Standards: 08454 040506

Victim Support: 0808 168 9276

Woodlands Health Centre: 01892 833331

Yalding Surgery: 01622 814380


East Peckham County Primary School: 01622 871268

East Peckham PreSchool: 01622 872931

Mascalls: 01892 835366

Kent Adult Education: 03000 41 22 22

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