About the Parish Council
Who we are and what we do
The Parish Council is responsible for a range of facilities throughout the village. In addition, the Councillors work to support the residents of the village and provide activities, events and services which are of benefit to the community. All our activities are underpinned by the Parish Council aims and objectives which are agreed annually.
We are an independent local democratic unit and councillors are elected every four years.
There are 11 councillors who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council.
The Parish Councillors do not receive any salary but contribute a great deal of their time and energy to ensure the smooth running of the community.

Our aims and objectives
- Setting reasonable and sustainable precept for 2024/25.
- To decide key projects and investigate national and local funding streams.
- Sustainability, maintenance and use of the Jubilee Hall.
- Consideration of Kent County Councils intention to reduce services; including, when any service reductions are likely to take place, how any reduction in services will affect East Peckham with particular regard to youth services, community transport and libraries and what the Parish Council can do to maintain key services in the village.
- Continue to work towards obtaining Quality Council Status.
- Having sub-committees to work on specific projects.
Our priorities are:
- Listening and responding to the views and needs of local residents in order to be a strong and recognisable voice for the village.
- Providing the public with exceptional service and high quality, value for money services accessible to all.
- Protecting the vulnerable, working in partnership with the community and the voluntary sector.
- Encourage participation in the work of the Parish Council and to ensure transparency in all aspects of Parish Council decision making.
- Taking steps to improve the environment and ensure that sustainable policies are agreed to protect current and future village life.
Please let us know if you have any comments about these priorities.
East Peckham Parish Council is responsible for:
- Some street lighting
- The playing fields
- Outdoor play equipment
- Outdoor fitness equipment
- Allotments
- Some litter picking
- Churchyard maintenance
- Amenity land at The Pound
- Public toilets
- Bus stops
The Parish Clerk and Assistant Parish Clerk fulfil a number of functions which include:
- Arranging hall bookings
- Managing the allotments
- Managing Parish Council finances
- Providing advice and support to residents
- Contacting, advising and liaising with contractors
- Liaising with Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council, Kent County Council, the Community Warden, Police Representatives and other organisations
- Preparing for and attending meetings of the Parish Council
The Council and Committees
The Full Council oversees all council activities.
We also have the following committees: Allotments, Climate, Council Assets, Finance, Local Development, Planning & Transport, Staffing and Youth & Community.
Meeting dates and copies of our agendas are also posted on the website as well as the notice boards in the village: outside the school and opposite the Village Stores. Meetings are open to the press and public. No public participation is allowed at committee meetings but meetings of the Full Council and Planning & Transport do allow a period of time for resident’s questions. Some of the committees such as Youth and Community and Climate welcome residents to be part of them. Minutes from meetings can be found on our website.
The Civic function
Councillors represent the village at various events throughout the year and attend events within the village.
What do you want to say?
- Did you know that all regular Full Council meetings are open to the public?
- Did you know that all parishioners are welcome to attend, and voice an opinion on items on the agenda?
- If what you want to talk about isn’t on the agenda, please let us know and get the question (s) asked!
- Or come to a meeting anyway, and raise the subject in the public participation part of the meeting.
East Peckham Parish Council
The Parish Office • Jubilee Hall • Pippin Road • East Peckham • Tonbridge • Kent TN12 5BT
Phone: 01622 871309 • Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Email: councilmanager@eastpeckham-pc.gov.uk
(answerphone when office not manned)