Who we are and what we do

The Parish Council is responsible for a range of facilities throughout the village. In addition, the Councillors work to support the residents of the village and provide activities, events and services which are of benefit to the community. All our activities are underpinned by the Parish Council aims and objectives which are agreed annually.

We are an independent local democratic unit and councillors are elected every four years.

There are 11 councillors who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council.

The Parish Councillors do not receive any salary but contribute a great deal of their time and energy to ensure the smooth running of the community.

Twinning sign

Our aims and objectives

Our priorities are:

Please let us know if you have any comments about these priorities.

East Peckham Parish Council is responsible for:

The Parish Clerk and Assistant Parish Clerk fulfil a number of functions which include:

The Council and Committees

The Full Council oversees all council activities.
We also have the following committees: Allotments, Climate, Council Assets, Finance, Local Development, Planning & Transport, Staffing and Youth & Community.

Meeting dates and copies of our agendas are also posted on the website as well as the notice boards in the village: outside the school and opposite the Village Stores. Meetings are open to the press and public. No public participation is allowed at committee meetings but meetings of the Full Council and Planning & Transport do allow a period of time for resident’s questions. Some of the committees such as Youth and Community and Climate welcome residents to be part of them. Minutes from meetings can be found on our website.

The Civic function

Councillors represent the village at various events throughout the year and attend events within the village.

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